

The plane (an imaginary line) of Earth’s annual 360°-orbit around the SUN, extending to the CELESTIAL SPHERE is called the ECLIPTIC. This circle marks the line on which ECLIPSES occur, the MOON and the other PLANETS travel, and where the CONSTELLATIONS (stars) of the ZODIAC SIGNS live. This circle is divided into 12 30°-segments, each representing one of the 12 ZODIAC SIGNS. 

The Earth rotates on its axis, making a complete rotation each day (24 hours), traveling through each of the 12 HOUSES. It makes a complete 360°-orbit around the SUN in 365 days (1 year), traveling through all of the 12 ZODIAC SIGNS.

The ZODIAC SIGN in which the SUN appears is determined by what CONSTELLATION appears on the opposite side of the SUN from the Earth at any moment in time. On March 21st (the VERNAL EQUINOX), the SUN is moving into the CONSTELLATION of ARIES. As the Earth continues to orbit around the SUN, it will remain in ARIES until April 19th when the SUN then moves into TAURUS and so on around the ZODIAC, according to the dates of each ZODIAC SIGN.


MASCULINE / FEMININE Zodiac Signs & Houses

The ZODIAC SIGNS are divided into MASCULINE and FEMININE energies that also correlate to POSITIVE and NEGATIVE, respectively. 

The MASCULINE signs are the odd-numbered ZODIAC SIGNS of the FIRE and AIR triplicities:
  • ARIES 
  • LEO

The MASCULINE signs also correspond to the odd-numbered HOUSES:
  • 1st
  • 3rd
  • 5th
  • 7th
  • 9th
  • 11th

The MASCULINE signs are AGGRESSIVE in nature, taking ACTION to achieve results (they don't wait for things to come to them... they charge forward). Wherever these signs fall in the HOUSES (areas of human life) of a HOROSCOPE, the person is most likely to take INITIATIVE and go after what is wanted. A predominance of PLANETS in MASCULINE signs indicates a SELF-PROPELLING person with POSITIVE AGGRESSIVE tendencies.

The FEMININE signs are the even-numbered ZODIAC SIGNS of the EARTH and WATER triplicities:

The FEMININE signs also correspond to the even-numbered HOUSES:
  • 2nd
  • 4th
  • 6th
  • 8th
  • 10th
  • 12th

The FEMININE signs represent PASSIVITY; capable of acting forcibly, these individuals typically wait for things to come to them before taking action. These people interact with whatever comes their way, working by the principle of ATTRACTING what they desire rather than pursuing to conquer it. A preponderance of PLANETS in FEMININE signs will manifest in a female that is more feminine and can make a male more effeminate, possibly acting less aggressively.

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