
The Aspects: What’s the Angle?

The Zodiac Signs, the Houses, and the Planets all carry their own unique characteristics and potentials. The Aspects deal with the influences of two Planets working in unison on the Zodiac Signs that fall within an angular proximity of one another in relationship to the Earth. Aspects are measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds. (It’s geometry, Folks! Plain and simple!) 

 ☞ Note: It is the Zodiac Signs and not the Houses that are used in determining what planetary Aspects appear within a chart.

The angles formed by the Aspects are defined in degrees and/or a fraction of the Zodiac Wheel as two imaginary lines formed by the positions of two Planets, intersecting in the center of the circle (the Earth being that center). The angles of the Aspects are allowed a degree of less or more allowance called an “orb”. (For example, in the case of the Sextile Aspect, which is defined as two planets being 60° apart with an orb of 6°, the two Planets involved can be 54° to 66° apart.)

The Aspects are broken into two categories of the Major Aspects and the Minor Aspects. As the names imply, the Major Aspects have a stronger influence on a horoscope than the Minor Aspects. Think of these two Planets as tag-teaming the Zodiac Signs within which they appear and having a blended influence on those signs.

The Major Aspects Defined

  • CONJUNCTION—Strength & Focus
    • two planets appearing in the same degree of one another (0° with 10° orb)
    • in the same Zodiac Sign
    • having the same gender, element, and quality
  • SEXTILE—Opportunity
    • two planets appearing 60° apart with an orb of 6° (1/6 of a circle)
    • appear in two adjacent Zodiac Signs
  • SQUARE—Stress & Obstacles
    • two planets appearing 90° apart with an orb of 6° (1/4 of a circle)
    • appear in approximately same degrees three Zodiac Signs apart (two Zodiac Signs appear between them)
  • TRINE—Ease
    • two planets appearing 120° apart with an orb of 6° (1/3 of a circle)
    • appear in approximately same degrees four Zodiac Signs apart (three Zodiac Signs appear between them)
  • OPPOSITION—Awareness
    • two planets that appear 180° apart with an orb of 8° (1/2 of a circle)
    • opposite one another on the wheel, appearing in opposite Zodiac Signs that tend to highlight each other’s shortcomings

The Minor Aspects Defined

  • SEMI-SQUARE—Delays & Setbacks
    • two planets appearing 45° apart with an orb of 3°-4° (1/8 of a circle)
  • SEMI-SEXTILE—Beneficial
    • two planets appearing 30° apart with an orb of 3°-4° (1/12 of a circle)
    • appear across two Zodiac Signs and separated by 30°
  • QUINCUNX (also called INCONJUNCT)—Difficulties & Adjustment
    • two planets in approximately the same degree of two Zodiac Signs, appearing 150° apart (5/12 of a circle)
    • separated by five Zodiac Signs
    • always involves incompatible elements
  • QUINTILE—Intelligence & Talent
    • two planets appearing 72° apart (1/5 of a circle)


The Moon Phases

The Moon is not a Planet but rather a natural satellite orbiting Earth. It is an illuminary in astrology, serving as an amplifier to the characteristics of any Planet with which it appears within a Zodiac Sign. The Moon is a reflection of our emotions.

The Moon has no natural light. It is the reflection of the Sun’s light that appears to us in the night sky. It takes the Moon 28-29 days to orbit the Earth, while in turn the Earth takes 365 days to orbit the Sun. The Moon, the Earth, and the Sun are in constant motion, causing the Moon to appear to us in different configurations that we call “the Phases of the Moon”.

There are eight Phases of the Moon that include:

  • New Moon—the “invisible” phase; illuminated side faces Sun while night side faces Earth, giving the illusion of invisibility
  • Waxing Crescent—illuminated side faces mostly away from Earth’s view; crescent grows daily as Moon’s orbit carries the day side more into visibility
  • First Quarter—has completed first quarter of monthly orbit around Earth; one-half of illuminated side is visible to Earth
  • Waxing Gibbous—most of the day side is visible as illuminated portion forms more convex (reverse crescent) shape; appears more brightly in sky
  • Full Moon—entire day side in full view from Earth; positioned on opposite side of Earth from Sun; remains for a few days before beginning to shift into next phase
  • Waning Gibbous—beginning of journey back to Sun; illuminated portion appears to shrink as the Moon’s orbit carries it out of view on Earth
  • Third Quarter (also, Last Quarter)—has completed three-quarters of monthly orbit around the Earth; one-half of illuminated side is visible to Earth (opposite side is now illuminated as was seen during First Quarter phase)
  • Waning Crescent—the Moon’s orbit has now almost completed a full cycle around the Earth; day side begins to completely face the Sun again; illuminated crescent shape is now appearing on opposite side of Moon as was seen during the Waxing Crescent

Because the Moon’s orbit around Earth is so quick, the energies of the Moon are changing daily. The Phases of the Moon can be used to set affirmations and intentions to best possible outcome for an individual.

The PLANETS: Enter the Clowns

Remember the theater analogy concerning the ZODIAC SIGNS, the HOUSES, and the PLANETS? The Planets are the actors on the stage of our lives (the Houses). The Zodiac Signs give these actors their personality and character. 

The original Planets are the five that can be seen by the “naked eye” from Earth. These five Planets are referred to as the “Wandering Stars” and include Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn. Each of these Planets is named for a deity… either a Roman or a Greek god… and each has a specific function and energy that serves as an influencer on the Zodiac Sign within which it appears.

Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto are referred to as the Transcendental Planets in Traditional Astrology. Though no longer considered a planet, the energy of Pluto still contributes to a horoscope. It is a heavenly body in our solar system and, therefore, projects influencing energies on Earth and her inhabitants. Due to their greater distance from the Sun, the influences of the Transcendental Planets are more philosophical in nature. Their effects must be discovered through closer observation. Their influences are considered to be more generational than individual, since it takes them years to move from one Zodiac Sign to the next.

 The Sun and the Moon are not planets. They are LUMINARIES and act as amplifiers to the characteristics of the planet(s) appearing within a same House. The Sun exposes our truth; the Moon reflects our emotions.

A horoscope provides predictions for possibilities based on the positioning of the Planets in relationship to an individual’s Zodiac Sign. The natal/birth chart, which is a snapshot of the sky at the moment of an individual’s birth, shows the positioning of the Planets, defining their personalities within the Zodiac Signs within which they appear in this moment. 

No two individuals are ever identically the same… even in the case of identical twins… due to the planetary positioning shifts that occur every 4 minutes. Every 4 minutes the Ascendant changes by 1 degree. The positioning of the Planets in the snapshot of the sky taken at the moment of an individual’s birth will not repeat exactly for another 4,320,000 years! And even at that, genetic and environmental influences will contribute to the ultimate differences in any two individuals born at these two otherwise identical positions of the Planets. 

It is possible for two people to be born at the same moment and in the same location/hospital. It has been shown that such individuals live very similar lives (follow same career paths, marry at the same time, have the same number of children with the same genders, develop the same illnesses, die at the same time). These people are known as “Astral Twins” or “Time Twins”, but they are very rare!

These are the known planetary energies that we experience here on Earth. Discoveries of new planets are always a possibility. For instance, the discovery of a small planet or asteroid was made in 1977. This tiny planetary body is named Chiron, who in Greek mythology was the wise centaur, a teacher, and a healer. The rulership of Chiron has been attributed to both Scorpio and Sagittarius, but by some is considered a “maverick”. Its influences are generally attributed to spiritual regeneration and the search for meaningful work.

The discovery of Neptune’s moon, Titon, in 1989 gives rise to the belief that Titon was once a planet orbiting the Sun until it was drawn into Neptune’s gravitational pull.

It is logical to believe that more planets are to be discovered. With each discovery, the planet will be given a rulership to a Zodiac Sign. For instance, two such discoveries point toward the planet Apollo being the true ruler of Taurus (who now shares the Planet Venus with the Zodiac Sign of Libra) and Vulcan being the true ruler of Virgo (which currently shares the Planet Mercury with the Zodiac Sign of Gemini). 

For the study of Modern/Traditional Astrology, we only recognize fully the influences of the five “Wandering Stars” and the three Transcendental Planets.


Properties of the HOUSES Summarized

Here and in one place is everything you could possibly want to know about the HOUSES in astrology.


There’s a PARTY in the HOUSE!

The HOUSES are grouped into three categories that also correspond to the modalities of the ZODIAC SIGNS:

  • ANGULAR —> Cardinal
  • SUCCEDENT —> Fixed
  • CADENT —> Mutable

The tendencies in these categories can be explained as having a “loudness” capacity for the natural expression of a PLANET. The intensity of a planet’s energy will be influenced by that of the house within which it enters. 

Just how “loud” will the party be, huh? Let me ‘splain it, Lucy…


The loudest party is happening in the ANGULAR HOUSES, and is it any wonder? These houses correspond to the CARDINAL ZODIAC SIGNS. Any PLANET appearing in one of these houses will express its natural energies at 100% capacity. So pump up the volume!

The angular houses are considered to be the most ardent and forceful of the houses. They rule the critical things in our lives, including:

  • Our appearance and how we behave 
  • Our family life
  • Our married life and/or partnerships
  • Our career

The party is calmer moving into the SUCCEDENT HOUSES. These houses are governed by the FIXED ZODIAC SIGNS, having a stable and unchanging quality. A planet appearing in one of these houses will express its energies at a more subdued capacity… 50%. More a formal cocktail party happening here than the rave of the angular houses!

“Succedent” from Latin, meaning “subsequent” or “succeeding”. The succedent houses follow the angular houses. Less powerful than the angular houses, each succedent house has qualities pertaining to the angular house it succeeds. For example, the 1st House (angular) pertains to the body and personality, while the 2nd House (succedent) deals with the personal belongings of a person.

The quietest are the CADENT HOUSES as represented by the MUTABLE ZODIAC SIGNS. Expressing themselves at 25% capacity, these houses would be the wallflowers at the party going on in either of the other two types of houses.
The cadent houses are the least powerful of all the houses. They have less influence than the succedent houses before them. From the Greek “apoklima”, meaning “falling away” or “decline”, the cadent houses are seen as being the least fruitful and/or productive houses.

Planets appearing in the cadent houses are seen as being less comfortable and powerful. They become inharmonious, sometimes bringing hostile conditions, separations, and banishments. They are seen as being of little consequence, having poor effect over a planet’s natural tendencies.

 Note: A close TRINE to a more BENEFIC PLANET will assist to bring a planet positioned in a cadent house closer to its full strength and potential.



The 12 HOUSES of Astrology

The HOUSES of astrology number 1 through 12 and correspond to the 12 ZODIAC SIGNS in order of their numbering. The ruling PLANET of each ZODIAC SIGN is also the ruling PLANET of the HOUSE ruled by that SIGN. So, the first ZODIAC SIGN of ARIES rules the 1st HOUSE, and as MARS is the ruling PLANET of ARIES so it is also the ruling PLANET of the 1st HOUSE. This continues around the WHEEL until the 12th HOUSE is ruled by the ZODIAC SIGN of PISCES which is ruled by the PLANETS of JUPITER and NEPTUNE. The ruling ZODIAC SIGN and PLANET(s) govern how the department of life represented by each HOUSE will be expressed in the life of the individual.

The HOUSES represent the various departments of human life. Astrological HOUSES indicate how the vibratory energies of the alignment of the PLANETS and ZODIAC SIGNS influence the AURIC FIELD of the Earth. All 12 HOUSES work together as a single unit that represents the cosmology of an individual… sort of sets the stage for the play of the life of an individual in which he serves as the hero of his own story.

The uniqueness of an individual is determined by calculating a Natal/Birth Chart using the birth date, birth time, and birth location in which a snapshot is taken of the sky at the moment of the person’s birth. Understanding the energetic properties of the ZODIAC SIGNS, their planetary rulers, the locations of the HOUSES, and the positioning of the PLANETS in this “snapshot of the sky” will give insight to how an individual will express personality and character in their lifetime as well as indicate areas of particular strengths and weaknesses. Being armed with this information will allow a person to know where the area(s) of most work and attention are needed and allow for being able to respond to life rather than react to it and evolve to higher vibratory frequencies of spirit. Better tools for better living.

The HOUSES are defined by Earth’s 24-hour rotation on its axis, while the ZODIAC SIGNS are defined by Earth’s yearly revolution around the SUN. The CONSTELLATIONS of the ZODIAC represent the sky, while the HOUSES represent life on Earth… What is above, so below.

The HOUSES, like the ZODIAC SIGNS, are divided by a line called a “cusp”. The CUSP of the 1st HOUSE marks the ASCENDANT—that point in space where the eastern horizon intercepts the ECLIPTIC at the time of birth of an individual. It naturally follows that the DESCENDANT (CUSP of the 7th HOUSE) will be 180° of the ASCENDANT. The most important of the HOUSES are the CARDINAL (or ANGULAR):


How the CARDINAL HOUSES (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) are determined is standard no matter the choice of methodology for calculating the intermediate HOUSES (2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th). There are many methods for doing this calculation of the HOUSES. The most popular one used in online websites that offer the service of calculating a Natal/Birth Chart is PLACIDUS. (The author Mike Grabarek recommends use of the more recently introduced KrusiƄski House system. See Info Sources.) Depending on method chosen for the calculation of the HOUSES, the outcome of an individual’s Natal/Birth Chart may show some variances, especially when PLANETS appear near the CUSP of a HOUSE, in which case, that PLANET will ultimately have an influence in the HOUSE on each side of the CUSP anyway, so little is changed vibrationally.

NOTE: Since this blog is interested only in providing a general understanding of astrology, no futher detail will be given on this topic here. The reader is encouraged to continue the study on their own, if greater understanding is desired. Warning: this topic can be quite involved and ultimately a great deal of math and geometry is going to be included! Just sayin’!

The various departments of human life represented by the HOUSES are as follows:

  • 1st HOUSE: the ego/sense of self
  • 2nd HOUSE: material possessions/security
  • 3rd HOUSE: local community/communication
  • 4th HOUSE: home/family
  • 5th HOUSE: creativity/romance
  • 6th HOUSE: day jobs/schedules & routines/health
  • 7th HOUSE: partnerships/marriage
  • 8th HOUSE: death/sex/transformation & regeneration
  • 9th HOUSE: philosophy/higher education/religion/law/foreign culture & travel
  • 10th HOUSE: public image/career/legacy/social status
  • 11th HOUSE: humanitarianism/technology
  • 12th HOUSE: collective unconscious/psychic abilities


The first six HOUSES deal with the individual’s personal inner world… it’s all about “me”. Houses 7 through 12 deal with the outer world… how the “me” deals with others. Each HOUSE from the inner self corresponds to an opposite outer self. For example, the 1st HOUSE deals with the ego of the self, while the 7th HOUSE (opposite) deals with how that self relates with others in partnerships. The 2nd HOUSE deals with how the self manages their own money, while the opposite 8th HOUSE deals with how the self manages the money of others. So think “inner six HOUSES are ‘self’, outer six HOUSEs are ‘other’.” 

The Fundamental Components of Astrology

Most people are familiar enough with astrology to be able to name the 12 ZODIAC SIGNS, know the general birth date ranges that determine a SIGN, and even possess a bit of knowledge as to the typical characteristics seen in the personality of at least the ZODIAC SIGNS of those people with whom a continual association is shared. (I even had a dog once, that though I did not know his exact birth date, he most assuredly HAD to be ARIES!)

My journey in the study of astrology has left me thinking of Shrek and onions! There are LAYERS to astrology... start on the outside and peel the layers away to a more complete understanding of this science! There is far more to it than meets the untrained eye, and it can be complex and confusing... until one day it isn't anymore! 

So far, I've basically covered that which is mostly generally known... the 12 ZODIAC SIGNS. There are actually four components to astrology, including:


A theater analogy can be applied to these components of astrology... the PLANETS are the actors in the life of a person, the ZODIAC SIGNS give these actors character and personality, and the HOUSES are the stage in which the actors give their performances.

I smacked into a brick wall when reading about the HOUSES. I did what I typically do in life and began building moutains out of molehills when reading material concerning the HOUSES from several different sources. Turns out there are numerous methologies for determining the HOUSES in an individual's HOROSCOPE. With so many online sources available for use in generating a Natal/Birth Chart, there is no need for anyone to go to the trouble of calculating HOUSE cusps unless insanity-by-math-and-geometry is viewed as an enjoyable pastime. I recommend using an online service to generate your Natal/Birth Chart, and save the advanced study for learning how to calculate for yourself the HOUSE CUSPS when you decide to become a professional astrologer. 

What I have learned these many months in reading astrology books and websites is sufficient for my original intent, which was to study TAROT. I'm getting there and I have to say that the process is well worth the anticipated outcome, so onward and upward, Yall....

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