
The Fundamental Components of Astrology

Most people are familiar enough with astrology to be able to name the 12 ZODIAC SIGNS, know the general birth date ranges that determine a SIGN, and even possess a bit of knowledge as to the typical characteristics seen in the personality of at least the ZODIAC SIGNS of those people with whom a continual association is shared. (I even had a dog once, that though I did not know his exact birth date, he most assuredly HAD to be ARIES!)

My journey in the study of astrology has left me thinking of Shrek and onions! There are LAYERS to astrology... start on the outside and peel the layers away to a more complete understanding of this science! There is far more to it than meets the untrained eye, and it can be complex and confusing... until one day it isn't anymore! 

So far, I've basically covered that which is mostly generally known... the 12 ZODIAC SIGNS. There are actually four components to astrology, including:


A theater analogy can be applied to these components of astrology... the PLANETS are the actors in the life of a person, the ZODIAC SIGNS give these actors character and personality, and the HOUSES are the stage in which the actors give their performances.

I smacked into a brick wall when reading about the HOUSES. I did what I typically do in life and began building moutains out of molehills when reading material concerning the HOUSES from several different sources. Turns out there are numerous methologies for determining the HOUSES in an individual's HOROSCOPE. With so many online sources available for use in generating a Natal/Birth Chart, there is no need for anyone to go to the trouble of calculating HOUSE cusps unless insanity-by-math-and-geometry is viewed as an enjoyable pastime. I recommend using an online service to generate your Natal/Birth Chart, and save the advanced study for learning how to calculate for yourself the HOUSE CUSPS when you decide to become a professional astrologer. 

What I have learned these many months in reading astrology books and websites is sufficient for my original intent, which was to study TAROT. I'm getting there and I have to say that the process is well worth the anticipated outcome, so onward and upward, Yall....

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