“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Chronicling an individual’s journey to a better understanding of the Universe.
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Each ZODIAC SIGN has unique qualities and characteristics that are specific to that sign. These qualities are influencers for how an individual born under that sign will behave in the various circumstances of living… what will be felt, thought, said, and done according to the experience. An individual has all 12 ZODIAC SIGNS influencing that behavior, according to the positioning of the signs (and the planets) within their horoscope at the time of birth.
Each of the 12 ZODIAC SIGNS is 30° of the ZODIAC WHEEL, and they are grouped into two fundamental arrangements called TRIPLICITIES and QUADRUPLICITIES.
The TRIPLICITIES deal with tendencies of the temperament and correspond to the ELEMENTS of nature (fire, earth, air, water). There are three ZODIAC SIGNS in each TRIPLICITY with three ZODIAC SIGNS separating each (120°; called the TRINE ASPECT).
The QUADRUPLICITIES deal with the basic modes of expression of the temperament in the various areas of life (cardinal, fixed, mutable). There are four ZODIAC SIGNS in each QUADRUPLICITY with two ZODIAC SIGNS separating each (90°; called the SQUARE ASPECT).
Each sign has its strengths and weaknesses, having unique characteristics, desires, attitudes, and manners of approaching life and other people. Those signs sharing an elemental association (TRIPLICITY) are naturally compatible. AIR signs are compatible with FIRE signs and EARTH signs with WATER signs.
One must consider the qualities of the ZODIAC SIGN of the individual in conjunction with the tendencies that are also unique to the TRIPLICITIES and the QUADRUPLICITIES of their sign in order to gain the best understanding of that person. Better understanding of self and others facilitates a more harmonious and joyful life experience.
There are 12 ZODIAC SIGNS that follow the specific order of:
The ZODIAC YEAR begins on the VERNAL EQUINOX at 0° of the
ZODIAC WHEEL, corresponding with ARIES’ beginning date of March 21st, thus making
ARIES the 1st SIGN of the ZODIAC. The SIGNS are arranged in a circle in the order
of how they follow each other around the ZODIAC, beginning with the first sign
of ARIES and arranged in a counter-clockwise order.
Each SIGN is 30° of the 360° in the ZODIAC WHEEL. The line
dividing one sign from another is called a “cusp”. People “born on the cusp”…
either on the last date of one sign or the first date of the next sign… are
prone to having the characteristics of both signs. Each of the ZODIAC SIGNS represent both positive and negative characteristics of human behavior and development.
Be able to name the SIGNS of the ZODIAC in the appropriate
order. Know the names of the SIGNS forward, backward, and starting with any sign. Be able to name a sign by seeing just its glyph. Know each sign's direct opposite on the ZODIAC WHEEL. (Example: Gemini is the direct opposite of Sagittarius.) Know the dates of the ZODIAC SIGNS so that just hearing someone give their birthday, you immediately know the answer to the ever popular ice-breaker, "What's your sign?".
Astrology and astronomy are as old as time itself and can be traced back to Atlantis and the ancient civilizations that sprang from its destruction. Man has used the skies to track the seasons for the best times to plant, harvest, work, rest, reproduce, etc. What once served as a necessary tool for living life well has slowly been allowed to slip away as having little, if any, relevance to life on this plane of existence. A sad loss of information and perhaps the beginning of man’s decent into daily chaos.
Often described as “occult” beliefs, astrology is not a religion or a belief system. It is more accurately science. When one begins to understand that energy is the driving force of existence... nothing can exist in the material reality without energy... and then understand how different energies are constantly influencing human life and behavior, better understanding of these forces can bring a better sense of self and perhaps then be able to answer questions such as “why am I here?”... “What is my purpose?”.
In studying astrology, one must understand that the planets in this solar system each have a unique energetic property and that as these planets travel through their orbital path around the Sun and in relation to the Earth, their energy affects all life on this planet... animal, plant, mineral... all life. Don’t forget... it’s all energy!
The planetary alignments at the time of one’s birth influence the character, personality, and behaviors of that individual throughout their lifetime. A person’s “Sun Sign” (the answer to the classic social opener, “What’s your sign?”) will give a basic understanding of that individual. All people born under the same Sun Sign will have generally similar chacteristics, but it goes beyond that. The placement of all of the planets in the sky in that moment of birth also contributes to forming who that individual is, how they think, speak, and behave.
Webster’s defines “occult” as “to shut off from view or exposure” [verb], “not revealed: secret; not easily apprehended or understood” [adjective], and “matters regarded as involving the action or influence of supernatural or supernormal powers or some secret knowledge of them” [noun]. Applying “super” to a word simply means that it goes beyond what is currently held in belief. It sounds mystical but, in truth, it only says “We don’t know what we don’t know”, and there is so much that we do not know! To shun occult knowledge with a belief that anything dealing with it is evil is to limit one’s ability to achieve enlightenment through better understanding of the environs of this life.
Now consider the word “esoteric”... “designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone; requiring or exhibiting knowledge that is restricted to a small group”.
Personally held belief is that information is revealed in life as it is needed. We become an “initiate” when asking questions to gain knowledge for the intention of better understanding and receiving the new knowledge with an open mind and heart. Life would be easier lived if a better understanding of how it works was had. That is the motivating factor driving this blog... to gain better understanding.
Welcoming all initiates to this esoteric study.
Let the study of Astrology begin...
Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon, Dr. Joe Dispenza
The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace D. Wattles
The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Vol. 1 & 2; Drunlavo Melchizedek
The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Manly P. Hall
Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age, Gregg Braden
The Superbeings: The Superselling Guide to Finding Your Higher Self, John Randolph Price
The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham, Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks
Discover Your Soul’s Path Through the Akashic Records: Taking Your Life From Ordinary to ExtraOrdinary, Linda Howe
Tarot for YourSelf: A Workbook for Personal Transformation, Mary K. Greer
The Intuitive Tarot Workbook, Gina The Tarologist a/k/a Gina Spriggs
An Introduction to Tarot, Cassandra Bee
Tarot and Astrology, Corrine Kenner
The Astrologer’s Handbook, Frances Sakoian & Louis S. Acker
The Astrology Bible: The definitive guide to the zodiac, Judy Hall
Fast Track Astrologer: The Book I Wish I Had When I Became an Astrologer, Mike Grabarek
Astrology: Your Personal Guide, Sasha Fenton
Astrology: The Ultimate Guide to the 12 Zodiac Signs, Numerology, and Kundalini Rising + A Comprehensive Guide to Tarot Reading, Kimberly Moon
Astrological Forecasting for Everyone, Alexander Kolesnikov / A Udemy Course (check it out)
The 12 Astrological Houses: Interpreting Your Birth Chart Beyond the Zodiac, Aliza Kelly Faragher / October 6, 2018
The 12 Houses of the Zodiac, by The AstroTwins
Keywords for the Planets, From astrologyschool.net
Meanings of the Planets in Astrology, From wellandgood.com
Moon Phases, From nasa.gov
Fonts Used for Zodiac Glyphs, From Astrology-Symbols.com (note: clicking this link will download the font in a zipped file)
Halo Color: Deep Indigo Blue
Gemstone Association: Lapis Lazuli
Helps us release unforgiveness toward ourselves and others. Ask him to clear away any emotional toxins from your heart. He is the ultimate spiritual professor, having patience, kindness, and access to all knowledge. He helps in human memory function. Call upon him when you need to remember/memorize information. He uses the Socratic teaching method, leading you to discover what you need to know on your own.
Call on Zadkiel for Healing Painful Memories, Remembering Divine Spiritual Origin/Missions, and Choosing Forgiveness
Halo Color: Pale Yellow
Gemstone Association: Amber
Enlightens our minds with divine inspiration, providing for answers for insights. He helps to illuminate cloudy situations by lighting your pathway one step at a time until you are able to discern the ultimate outcome of your actions.
Call on Uriel for Intellectual Understanding: Conversations, Ideas, Insights, and Epiphanies, in School: Studying/Testing, and Writing and Speaking
Halo Color: Turquoise (like translucent tropical ocean)
Gemstone Association: Turquoise, Larimar
Can help your words to be kind and gentle, yet powerful. He is associated with music and his presence can be felt most when listening to music, singing, or playing an instrument. One of his principle roles is to deliver and answer our prayers; call upon him when you need help in allowing yourself to receive. Ask him to help you live in integrity, with your spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing, and manifestation fully awakened. He can help you speak your truth openly, in a way that benefits everyone.
Call on Sandalphon for Receiving/Delivering Prayers Between God and Human Beings and Guidance/Support for Musicians
Halo Color: All Colors of the Rainbow
Gemstone Association: Clear Quartz
The wizard and alchemist of the archangel realm, he helps us understand ideas that defy logic. He expands and challenges everyday thinking in ways that ultimately have healing effects. Call upon him if you hunger for deep spiritual understanding, asking him to enter your dreams.
Call on Raziel for Understanding Secrets of the Universe, Remembering/Healing From Past Lives, Understanding Esoteric Wisdom (such as dream interpretation)
Halo Color: Emerald Green
Gemstone Association: Emerald, Malachite
The Healing Angel/Heaven’s Physician: in charge of physical healings for all living beings.
Call on Raphael for Healing of People and Animals, Guiding Healers in Education/Practice, Guidance/Protection for Travelers, and Connecting With Soulmates
Halo Color: Pale Blue (like the sky of a spring morning)
Gemstone Association: Aquamarine (beryl)
Oversees archangels and angels, ensuring harmony, cooperation, and order among them all; call upon him to help sort out your feelings, enabling you to notice, understand, and follow them, guiding you to act in fair and just ways; also gives faith in humanity’s essential goodness. He helps create harmony and order in relationships. Often referred to as the “Archangel of Justice and Fairness”. Ask him to serve as mediator when you have a dispute.
Call on Raguel to Bring Harmony to Situation, Heal Arguments/Misunderstandings, and Attract New Friends
Halo Color: Royal Blue (mixed with tinges of royal purple)
Gemstone Association: Sugalite
He emanates the Creator’s qualities of love, power, strength, and unwavering faith. When calling upon him, your own similar qualities are enhanced and magnified. Ask him to empower your dreams and clear away fears that may be blocking you from fully enjoying your spiritual gifts and qualities; he works especially well with us while we are sleeping. His chief role is to escort away the lower energies of fear. He can clear your home, office, vehicle, or community of toxic energies. After calling upon him, you may feel a warmth as his is a fiery warrior spirit.
Call upon Michael for Life-Purpose Guidance: Protection, Courage, Confidence, and Safety Fixing Mechanical/Electronic Items
Halo Color: Violet and Seafoam Green (stripes)
Gemstone Association: Watermelon Tourmaline
Works closely with psychic and sensitive kids; loves to help adults help these children. He works as a scribe and record keeper in Heaven and can help you with organizational and record-keeping skills. Calling upon him can help you organize your priorities.
Call upon Metatron for Sacred Geometry and Esoteric Healing, Time Management, and Help For/With Highly Sensitive People
Halo Colors: Deep Rose Pink
Gemstone Association: Pink Rubellite (any dark pink crystals)
She sees beauty in everything and everyone and can help you do the same. She knows that spending time in nature can help clear lower energies and naturally help you have a more beautiful outlook on life. She can help us experience more grace and peace through slowing down to notice the beauty all around; call upon her anytime you feel rushed, stressed, or unhappy.
Call upon Jophiel for Uplifting Thoughts and Feelings and Clearing Clutter From Life
Halo Color: Deep Eggplant Purple
Gemstone Association: Amethyst
Call upon him to deliver mercy to you and everyone involved, enabling you to consistently treat yourself and others with respect and tender loving care. He helps newly crossed-over souls review their lives; also helps those living make life reviews. Ask him to help you review where you've been, what you've learned, what patterns you're ready to release, and what you're grateful for in your life.
Call upon Jeremiel to Assist in Life Review and to Awaken Spiritual Gifts of Intuition and Clairvoyance
Halo Colors: Bluish White (like the full moon's glow)
Gemstone Association: Moonstone
Can help you give glory to God by living at your highest potential; grooms your hidden talents and helps you polish your skills. She helps us honor our natural cycles, moods, and rhythms; assists us in embracing all aspects of ourselves, including strengths, setbacks, and shadows. When you feel unsure and bad about yourself, call upon Haniel.
Call upon Haniel to Awaken Spiritual Gifts of Intuition and Clairvoyance and for Healing for Women's Physical and Emotional Health
Halo Color: Copper (like her trumpet!)
Gemstone Association: Citrine / Precious Metal Copper
She can help you fearlessly tap into the same power of God's strength. The messenger angel, she loves to help writers and journalists deliver healing messages; assists to open doors that allow for publication of articles and books. She works with mothers and children during all phases of conception, childbirth, adoption, and parenting as well as helping you nurture your inner child.
Call upon Gabriel for Delivering Clear Messages, Assisting in All Aspects of Parenting
Halo Colors: Pale Green
Gemstone Association: Green Fluorite
His ability to see clearly helps us to find things, situations, and people; call upon him to assist in career choices especially. He is the archangel of personal and global peace; call upon him to feel more centered, calm, and peaceful.
Call upon Chamuel for Universal Peace, Finding Lost Things (or other things sought)
Halo Color: Vanilla Cream (very pale yellow)
Gemstone Association: Creamy Yellow Calcite
The Angel of Death, as his primary function is to help souls cross over to Heaven at the time of physical death. He can bring a message or dream visitation from loved ones in Heaven. He helps helpers; especially brings comfort to grieving or dying persons. He can help in entering the counseling profession and guiding toward schooling, internships, and a wonderful practice. Ask him to guide words and actions during sessions; you will remain patient and compassionate.
Call upon Azrael for Healing the Bereaved
Halo Color: Pale Pink
Gemstone Association: Rose Quartz
She reflects qualities of bravery, courage, focus, and elegant movement. Call upon her to boost confidence and courage. She is involved with divine magic; instant manifestation of the higher will. She helps attract whatever support is needed for life's mission. She is a master manifestor and especially supportive of healers, teachers, and service workers. She is very partial to the environment; works closely with nature angels to protect and heal animals, particularly those birds, animals, and fish that dwell near water.
Call on Ariel for Manifesting Material Needs
The archangels are sometimes referred to as being “the messengers of God”. They are divine beings of light who each have an assignment to fulfill with humanity. Each has a specific area of specialty, and each can be called upon for assistance in our lives, according to the individual's area of need. The archangels are awaiting our request(s), but we must make that request. They do not intervene unless they have been asked to do so.
Each archangel has a color and gemstone/crystal association as well as a divine purpose. Carry in your pocket the gemstone associated with the archangel of whom you have asked help... it draws that angel to you, strengthening the energy connection between yourself and the angel. Be sure to express a “thank you” to the archangel for the assistance lent to your request. 😘
Sharing in the following posts the names of those archangels that have been researched for this information.
Enjoy! And remember... ask the angels! (1 angel per post to follow)