Astrology and astronomy are as old as time itself and can be traced back to Atlantis and the ancient civilizations that sprang from its destruction. Man has used the skies to track the seasons for the best times to plant, harvest, work, rest, reproduce, etc. What once served as a necessary tool for living life well has slowly been allowed to slip away as having little, if any, relevance to life on this plane of existence. A sad loss of information and perhaps the beginning of man’s decent into daily chaos.
Often described as “occult” beliefs, astrology is not a religion or a belief system. It is more accurately science. When one begins to understand that energy is the driving force of existence... nothing can exist in the material reality without energy... and then understand how different energies are constantly influencing human life and behavior, better understanding of these forces can bring a better sense of self and perhaps then be able to answer questions such as “why am I here?”... “What is my purpose?”.
In studying astrology, one must understand that the planets in this solar system each have a unique energetic property and that as these planets travel through their orbital path around the Sun and in relation to the Earth, their energy affects all life on this planet... animal, plant, mineral... all life. Don’t forget... it’s all energy!
The planetary alignments at the time of one’s birth influence the character, personality, and behaviors of that individual throughout their lifetime. A person’s “Sun Sign” (the answer to the classic social opener, “What’s your sign?”) will give a basic understanding of that individual. All people born under the same Sun Sign will have generally similar chacteristics, but it goes beyond that. The placement of all of the planets in the sky in that moment of birth also contributes to forming who that individual is, how they think, speak, and behave.
Webster’s defines “occult” as “to shut off from view or exposure” [verb], “not revealed: secret; not easily apprehended or understood” [adjective], and “matters regarded as involving the action or influence of supernatural or supernormal powers or some secret knowledge of them” [noun]. Applying “super” to a word simply means that it goes beyond what is currently held in belief. It sounds mystical but, in truth, it only says “We don’t know what we don’t know”, and there is so much that we do not know! To shun occult knowledge with a belief that anything dealing with it is evil is to limit one’s ability to achieve enlightenment through better understanding of the environs of this life.
Now consider the word “esoteric”... “designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone; requiring or exhibiting knowledge that is restricted to a small group”.
Personally held belief is that information is revealed in life as it is needed. We become an “initiate” when asking questions to gain knowledge for the intention of better understanding and receiving the new knowledge with an open mind and heart. Life would be easier lived if a better understanding of how it works was had. That is the motivating factor driving this blog... to gain better understanding.
Welcoming all initiates to this esoteric study.
Let the study of Astrology begin...
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